The town does the math
This is the last comic from Port Sherry – Issue 3 (want to know what Azziel looks like? Check the back cover!). Next week we’ll start covering the contents from Issue 4, but also… guess what?
Issue 5 is now available! You can read Issue 5 right now by joining my Patreon ($3 and up tiers), or you can find every issue for purchase over at Gumroad!
I choose the priest.
This brings a smile to my face.
The idea of a sacrifice is that it has to be something of worth, something of value. If you give up something you didn’t care about, it isn’t really a sacrifice. This is in every context; even if you’re just giving up some personal habit, it isn’t a sacrifice unless it was hard to give up.
On a side note, I’m really tired of people making jokes/comments about societies that have sacrificed virgins, saying things like “it’s a waste” or the like. That was the point; it was supposed to be a sacrifice of something of great value. So I’m really pleased with this comic that openly acknowledges that.
@Adam L This is not in the comic but he’s not a priest (not even part of the town), he’s Azziel’s direct messenger. Even if he were eligible, that’s textbook weaseling out. The town is now gone.
And the next day the Priest finds a new Temple in town and everyone has converted to a theological system that is far less demanding of them, and Azziel winds up yet another forgotten god on the dustheap of religious history.
Because when your god gives you lemons, you find a new god.
Good on you Azziel, now do Omelas!
Ah, the comic that brought me here in the first place, finally caught up thru the archives. Yep, still good. 🙂
This is awesome haha!