Remembering Street Fighter II (4)
We wrap up my old man ramblings about Street Fighter II. This overlaps a bit with the themes of an old comic of mine called The Obsolete Add-on, I think.
Thanks for reading. Back with weird nonsense on Thursday.
Thanks for doing this series, as a fan of the games since I got my hands on a copy of vanilla SFII for my Amiga 500 it’s really cool to read about other peoples’ experiences.
OMG I want to find a ROM of “Fighter II!”
Back in the day before the internet, accidentally coming across an easter egg or hidden room or other secret in a game was like being a knight finding the Holy Grail. There was no comparison to it, your life suddenly had a new purpose and the game new meaning. No matter how many hours you’d spent on it, the game now had to be re-played because WHAT IF THERE WAS ANOTHER SECRET?
No one I knew back then called it easter eggs; my 11-year-old self not either, and I didn’t get the reference until I was grown. Where I come from no one does easter egg hunts, so I always assumed it had something to do with Kinder eggs and their hidden surprise.