Happiness is fleeting and easily engulfed/smothered by the depression anxiety in your own mind, it desperately tries to emphasize being happy like “SEE LOOK I’M HAPPY!!! haha soooo happy!” like trying to convince yourself that your okay but…not….. or something.
I was having a very rough time at the time I made this… Trying very hard to stay optimistic, but it was a struggle more often than not. Sometimes it’s exhausting not giving in to despair.
I like it. It confuses me, but I like it.
Have you ever seen that Christmas episode of the smurfs when they sing the evil warlock to death? This comic is just like that.
Happy tree friends rofl.
I kind of love this picture, and if it doesn’t mean what I think it means – I don’t really want to know…
Happiness is fleeting and easily engulfed/smothered by the depression anxiety in your own mind, it desperately tries to emphasize being happy like “SEE LOOK I’M HAPPY!!! haha soooo happy!” like trying to convince yourself that your okay but…not….. or something.
I was having a very rough time at the time I made this… Trying very hard to stay optimistic, but it was a struggle more often than not. Sometimes it’s exhausting not giving in to despair.
The first step is to admit that you have a problem.