Hi, I just discovered your website, and I must say I love it ! You have very good ideas, and I love the way you draw. Just a few words to say… keep going, that’s really an amazing job !
Oh wow, this means the world to me. It’s always nice when a particular comic attracts a lot of people, but when a visitor checks the other things I’ve done and decides he or she likes them, that’s just the best thing ever. Thank you! I’ll try to get even better and weirder!
Hi, I just discovered your website, and I must say I love it ! You have very good ideas, and I love the way you draw. Just a few words to say… keep going, that’s really an amazing job !
Oh wow, this means the world to me. It’s always nice when a particular comic attracts a lot of people, but when a visitor checks the other things I’ve done and decides he or she likes them, that’s just the best thing ever. Thank you! I’ll try to get even better and weirder!
now she sleeps inside people’s mattresses
This becomes 100 times more disturbing if you know how bedbugs mate.
So… I had to ask Microsoft Copilot’s AI about that…