I don’t do many references but if y’all don’t get this one I’m gonna be very cross with you! (nah, not really)

There used to be this tacit understanding between social media platforms and artists, that we were willing to provide them with free content in exchange for visibility. It’s been more than a few years now that they haven’t been fulfilling their end of the deal, and hey: it’s their sites, they can do whatever they want with them. But since they’re deliberately hiding us there’s very little incentive to stay on them… and now that they’re exploiting our work for their own benefit, *not* sharing our art online is actually the least harmful proposition!

I am not very hopeful that Cara is the answer, but I am willing to support it as a last measure before, truly, packing it up and only post my comics on my website, Patreon and Ko-fi. It’s not the readers who are at fault here: there are tons of readers out there, hungry for great art and lots of wonderful artists, new and old, wanting to share their work with them. It’s the platforms. We’re getting bled dry out there.