I stumbled upon this book recently in an office supplies store. A children’s version of The Picture of Dorian Gray. The publishing house has a big line of literature classics abridged and toned down for the wee audiences, and even though most of them are the usual suspects (Alice in WonderlandPinocchio and The Little Prince) there were alsosome eyebrow-raising choices, like The Diary of Anne Frank, The Iliad, The Metamorphosis, Brave New World and The Divine Comedy.

I just found fascinating the idea of adapting a book, any book, for a children readership.

Here’s a discarded idea, which by the time I was finishing I realized it didn’t really fit with the others.

I myself  read Extraordinary Stories at a very young age, and I believe modern children would hardly be phased by the relatively tame scares of Poe’s work.

Have a nice week!

–Pedro Arizpe

PS. A direction I didn’t pursue with the Fear & Loathing cover: